Sunday, October 25, 2009

Severe temple pain at night, any Doc's out there?

2 years ago, almost to the week, I suffered terrible pains in my left temple every night for about 2 weeks. It was so severe it made me cry. Sought medical advice but no diagnosis. I put it down to the gloss paint we were using at the time.
Unfortunately, it is back again. I go to bed , fall asleep for about 2 hours then I am woken by this terrible pain in my left temple and eye socket. I take pain killers and pace about for about an hour and cry, because it is so severe.
I am seeing an Osteopath next week because I have 2 swollen vertabrea in my neck. Could this be the cause or do I have Temporal Arteritis?
I do have a blood test next week to check this out but I need help now!
Paracetomol does nothing. Where do I go from here?
Where do you go? How about to a doctor or the ED? This is not something to be asking online...could be serious. Get professional help NOW.
I'm not sure but I was having severe headaches/migraines which gave me a real sharp pain in the soft part on the side of your head. The doctor gave me migraine medicine and it does a lot of good.

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