Saturday, October 31, 2009

Should I explain my buldge?

Okay... before I get booted off the system. Let me explain. I got into an auto accident recently, and my arm got broken. Some people look at me differently because it is hot and I now wear long sleeves most of the time. Should I explain to them or leave them wondering?
It's none of their effin business. If you want to be self conscious that's your perogative. But I say embrace yourself. Everything happens for a reason and you shouldn't have to explain yourself.
I would explain. It's not like it's anything that needs to be kept hidden.
Don't bother telling them a plausible story, they will never believe you aren't a druggie.
its nothing to be embarrassed about you should tell them because I'm sure some of the things that people think is a lot worse then just telling them that you got in a car accident

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