I slipped on a slick driveway last week and nailed my elbow on the ground. It's been a little swollen and quite bruised since then and the bone feels jagged compared to my other elbow (the uninjured one). My friends and family think I'm crazy when I tell them it feels fractured, but although it doesn't hurt much to bend it still hurts. The last time I fractured my wrist there was hardly any pain, but I still needed a cast. So what do you think- should I waste several precious hours of my life to go and get it x-rayed?
yes you should get it x-rayed. i fell on ice in december and broke my elbow. i went to the dr 3 times before they finally realized it was broken because it didnt hurt to bend or anything but like you are saying it felt weird when i felt it. i just broke (like chipped) the tip pf my elbow( the olechronon) (dont know if i spelled that right:)) but thats why it didnt hurt to bend or anything. it took them a few x-rays to see the break too. so definitely get an x-ray. trust me it maybe wasting time now but may be saving you time in the long run! good luck!
yes u should get it x rayed
yes. if it still bothers you you need to go see an orthopedic for this issue. It could be fractured or you may have jammed it or dislocated it pretty good.
Well let's hope your headed to the nearest doc in the box, ER, or doctor at this point, but yes an X-ray at the minimum would be your best bet.
Some people can break bones and walk around for days on them without knowing it. UNTIL, you make the one move that causes it to do more damage.I had a friend in high school that fell out of a tree deer hunting. He walked around all day with 2 dislocated vertebrae. If he had looked past a 30 degree rotation with his neck, he would have severed his spine.While your elbow is not quite as serious as a neck, you should go get it checked out. A small crack could develop into something permanent very quickly. I am sure you enjoy bending your arm every now and then. It would be difficult with a damaged elbow.As for the timeé©´ Take a good book or magazine and call it quality reading time instead of wasted time.Good luck.
Do not hesitate see a DR. He can x-ray it to make sure nothing is wrong. Do not listen to friends or family, play it safe see your DR.
I think you should go and get it x-rayed because I had a friend who fractured her arm and didn't notice it for a while because it didn't hurt when she moved it until the next day. She needed a cast and medication. I would get it x-rayed just in case:) Good luck:) Hope you get better.
Yes PLEASE Get it x-rayed!!!!! Get off of ByeDr.com and get it checked now!!! I rather be safe than Sorry!!!!!!! PS I cannot diagnose you.
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