Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should I Try Out For The Upcoming Cheer Season Even Though I Have Knee Pain?

I've been having a lot of knee pain lately because of cheerleading. I really enjoy doing it, but i don't know if I should continue doing it because the pain doesn't seem to be going away. I went to a doctor and even go to physical therapy. Nothing seems to be helping. Should i try out for the upcoming season?
I would not give up on something that you seem to love so much!! Have you tried seeing a podiatrist to see if you have a foot alignment problem that may be causing you to have knee pain. The body is referred to as the kinetic chain, and you should have the joint above (hips/core) and joint below (ankles/feet) to see if you problem is originating there. When you went to physical therapy did they evaluate your hips/core and ankles and feet?
Often times the only thing that helps knee pain is absolute rest, this is true with patellar tendinitis that I have delt with in my athletes. Have you tried taking 2-3 weeks completely off of cheerleading?
It is really hard to help you without knowing where your knee pain is, its quality, etc. I would again not give up, I would start with a podiatrist or foot doctor and get their recommendation.
I hope this helps.

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