Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should I remove my thumbnail?

I smashed my thumb about two weeks ago. I can tell I'm going to lose the nail. I think if I were to pry on it, that it would come off. Should I leave it, and just let it happen? Or, should I help it out a little? Which is best for future growth?
it'll come off on it's own. try not to play with it too much until then. i seriously don't understand why so many people on here advise a doctor or a trip to the er for every little cut and scrape. you definitely want to keep the site clean before and after the nail comes off.
Leave it alone - if you pry it off you will damage the nail bed ~ and have a sight for sore eyes ~ it will never heal properly ~ It should come off as the nail grows ~ you could trim ~ and I mean trim the nail as it grows out ~ to keep it from ripping or tearing ~
See a Dr. depends on how bad it is if it's barely hanging I would remove it but thats not an expert opinion.
Go see a doctor.Nail can grow again.
try and poke a hole in the middle,this will remove some of the liquids..well its what my doc told me,gl^^
Don't mess with it yourself. Any wound as large as your thumbnail poses a real risk for infection if not handled by a professional. See a doctor or nurse practitioner.
Future growth will shove it off, don't worry about it unless it is infected. It will fall off eventually.The problem with thinking it will come off with a little prying...is that it isn't as simple as that, it never is. Because SOMETHING is still attached and that will hurt like hell if you pull and pull and ...Eh, just let nature take it's course dude.As for future growth, it'll be fine. This happened to my pinky toenail and it was loose all the way down to the base and I thought about ripping it off but the new growth pushed the dead off. In the end I had so much new growth I only had to pull a little bit and the old came right off. So don't force it. Little effort should be used, if more is required don't do it, it's not ready ;)

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