Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shoulder injury - pinched nerve? pulled muscle??

I woke up and decided to reach for my phone. I must have overstretched or reached for it at a weird angle because all of a sudden I had a huge pain in my shoulder. I thought I had just pulled a muscle or something because that's what it felt like. But when I got downstairs all of a sudden I couldn't see anything - everything got dark and blurry with white dots, I felt like I was going to puke and pass out, I was weak feeling, and I had this weird sound in my ears that sounded like something deflating. My father says I probably pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle. Should I go to the doctor and have it checked out? Or just rest it and let it heal on its own?
Real bad pain can make you even faint, so that's why it's possible to see spots and get sick feeling, and when you are going to faint you always hear a funny muffled sound in your ears.
It could be something like a rotorcuff, that is very painful.
Father-in-law has this and it causes severe pain and has gotten to the point he has very limited motion unless he rests it.
It wouldn't hurt to go see the doc...Pain can cause the symptoms you described...I had a shoulder injury, a minor accident and I'm now permanently damaged, so it wouldn't hurt to have it looked at...

1 comment:

  1. I just had the same symptoms as what you had. I actually had my arm behind my back and when I was bringing it back down to my thigh i heard a sound in my shoulder and felt like my shoulder was dislocated. But it became normal. Afterwhich I had severe pain and I passed out. Went to see a Doctor and he said that I had an old injury and tore my shoulder muscle.

    His advice was to go for massage for about 4-5 sessions. I've gone for 2 sessions so far. The massage is really painful but it should help soon to strengthen the muscle. Please do consult a doctor and find out what's wrong. Don't leave it and make the inury a worse 1. Take care.


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