Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ruptured eardrum?

I have had horrible ear problems since I was a baby. I had my first ear infection at two weeks old. Both eardrums have had many infections, and both have ruptured many times (one at least 3X and the other at least 5X). Both have horrible scar tissue in them (the doctor was very surprised at how scarred they were). I had tubes in my ears when I was younger. I've gone to the doctor. I'm taking the antibiotics and ear drops she told me to take. She also told me to start taking better care of my allergies. When I was younger, my eardrums did not heal (there was still a hole in it-we found out the hard way-a lot of pain). The doctor wants me to come back in a couple of weeks to make sure they have healed (or else I have to go to a specialist). First of all, what can I do for the pain? I've been taking ibuprofen for it (tylenol does not help me with pain whatsoever). Ibuprofen normally helps, but it hasn't with this. The drops just make the pain worse, of course...
There is nothing you can really DO in order to make your eardrums (Tympanii) heal..first, dont clean them with any swab, second, DO NOT put any kind of drops inside your ears, (they will perpetuate the infection, and will solve nothing),,take your analgesics in tablets and antibiotics as prescribed, and get checked for the healing of your membrane in the inside of the ear.
If it does not heal in a matter of two weeks, surgery for reconstruction with a graft of skin, should be considered, however this should be performed by an ear specialist..(surgeon).
The risk of not performing surgery, is that the little bones inside of your ear, (middle ear), can heal in the bad manner, calcify, and hamper the transmission of sounds (deafness),,,,Get proper attention from your GP, and his or her referral will save you, lots and lots of suffering
I do hope you get well,,,,,

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