Saturday, October 31, 2009

Should i be concerned? (read details... )?

yesterday as i was leaving work,i went to unplug my computer from the power strip and after a few seconds realized there was electricity flowing up my arm.. my muscles were rapidly contracting and releasing and my fingertips were burning but i couldn't let go. i grabbed my electrocuting arm w/ my other arm and pulled it away quickly before the electricity had timeto do any more than barely shock the safe hand.anyhow, my arm hurt all night all theway up to my shoulder. my wrist still twinges when i move it or when i'm sitting still. my hand hurts and my fingertips are this normal or should i be concerned?
If you are still experiencing the twitching and numbness up till now, I would definately go get it checked out. Even if you stop twitching and regain feeling...I would still get it checked out. This is just my hypothesis but the electricity might have done something to your nerves or muscles...I am not sure. Although, maybe if you can learn to harness can have super powers. =]Good luck and I hope everything works out.
I'd say give it a day or two and see if the feeling goes away if you got insurance go see the doctor to make sure you didn't fry your nerves. You just had a 120 volts go through you(obviously not enogh to kill you) wich can do some damage to your nerves muscles and heart.
i dont know how to say this...youre going to die.,s normal that your muscle,s should hurt..they are electrically controlled by your brain...they just got quite an overload...other than will need to give it time to heal..if thing,s seem to get worse...see your long as you have full function...motor function,feeling,etc. I wouldn't worry ..but if it doesn't improve .see a doctor..good luck!

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