Sunday, October 25, 2009

Severe upper back pain, swollen lymph nodes. Does anyone have a potential diagnosis for these symptoms?

My wife hasbeen experiencing severe pain for the past week.
Symptoms: first there was severe pain caused by swollen lymph nodes behind her right ear; that progressed to severe internal pain near her left shoulder blade which has persisted; if she lies very still on her back the pain dissipates; lymph nodes behind right ear and in neck are inflamed but no longer cause pain
Diagnostic tests: CT scan (chest and back) was negative
Pain medications: doctors have prescribed Tylenol with codeine and OxyContin
Doctors have not been able to diagnose.
go see a chiropractor....get her off the oxycontin.Oxycontin is VERY addictive.
fever? pain on standing, moving, certain movement? could be muscle cramp massage, heat. Can the exact point of pain be determined by finger pressure? If so, probably muscle cramp. Deep massage might help. Over stretching after heat would be a help. If the pain is deeper, infection in a vertabrae? Shingles trying to start, compression fracture of a vertabrea? do not let a chiropractor mess around until any serious condition is ruled out. MRI may reveal more. Ever had the same thing before? See an MD first(preferably not an HMO MD). lol
se a Dr asap
An ENT would probably be able to diagnose. Sounds like carotidynia or some kind of inflammation or neuralgia. Lymph node enlargement is a common reaction to something else going on. Try some Aleve or an anti-inflammatory. Valium might also help.
Have they done blood work? FULL bloodwork, check out nutrient levels, hormones, white/red blood cell count, etc. Keep testing. I have a peculiar kidney syndrome that is so rare it took years to diagnose. Once I was Dx'd, the treatment is simply daily potassium. I dropped the hundred pounds I had gained during my "health nightmare decade". I have a host of disorders related to this syndrome because my body was potassium and magnesium depleted for years. Read, research, ask questions, cross reference symptoms, and don't give up. Good luck to her.

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